Belintersat took part in the Science Festival-2024
On September 7, 2024, Belintersat took part in the Science Festival, the largest popular science event in our country. For the sixth time, Minsk residents
On September 7, 2024, Belintersat took part in the Science Festival, the largest popular science event in our country. For the sixth time, Minsk residents
From June 27 to 28, 2024, the XI Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus, dedicated to innovations and development of the Union State, was
The 2nd International Exhibition of the Security Industry “National Security. Belarus-2024” has ended today. The significant event was held from June 19 to 21 in
The specialists of the National Satellite Communications and Broadcasting System took part in the 34th international exhibition of information and communication technologies “Sviaz-2022” in Moscow.
Representatives of the National Satellite Communication and Broadcasting System took part in the XIV International Conference “Satellite Russia & CIS: Satellite Communications and Spacecraft in
On October 26-28, 2021 representatives of the Republican Manufacturing unitary enterprise “Precision Electromechanics Plant” “Belintersat” project team took part in the largest international exhibition of
On June 23-26, 2021 representatives of Belintersat project took part in the 10th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Machinery MILEX – 2021 and the
Representatives of the Belintersat took part in the international exhibition-forum CSTB 2021 from 17 – 18 June 2021. CSTB 2021 is the largest event in
On July 23, ComNews held the 12th International Conference “SATELLITE RUSSIA & CIS 2020 – Spaceсrafts and Satellite Communications on Different Orbits Amid COVID-19, 5G
On March 10-11, 2020 the group of staff members of the Ground Control Station and Teleport of the National System of Satellite Communication and Broadcast
The international broadcasting Convention, which is better known as the IBC exhibition is an annual traditional event that has been held since 1967 and connects
On June 18th – 20th, 2019 Belintersat representatives participated in the CommunicAsia 2019 Exhibition. CommunicAsia is held as a ConnecTechAsia joint event and conference, and
On 14 May 2019 in Germany Intersputnik held a traditional seminar NATSATTEL-2019 dedicated to the development of domestic satellite telecommunications systems and advanced telecommunications technologies.
From 15 to 18 May “Belintersat” project team took part in 9th international exhibition of arms military machinery “MILEX-2019”. The exhibition attracted 59 delegations from
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