8 years in orbit!

8 years in orbit!

On January 15, 2016, at 19:57 Minsk time, the Long March 3B launch vehicle was launched from the Xichang Cosmodrome (PRC) with the first Belarusian telecommunications satellite on board. From that moment on, Belarus acquired the status of a space power.

The successful launch of Belintersat-1 became the basis for the creation of the National Satellite Communications and Broadcasting System, the largest telecommunications project implemented in Belarus.

During all 8 years of operation in the orbital position of 51.5° East longitude, the Belintersat-1 satellite has demonstrated excellent performance thanks to the high responsibility and professionalism of the Belintersat project team.

On the eve of the eighth anniversary of the launch of the satellite into geostationary orbit, our team met with representatives of the press. We talked about the contribution of the Belintersat project to the innovative development of Belarus, about the features of ground control of the satellite and the prospects for the development of the project. We will definitely share new material with our subscribers.

Belintersat’s Management and Team congratulate our clients and partners on the eighth anniversary of the satellite launch and wish us all further joint success and mutually beneficial cooperation! 


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