New name on a honor roll!

New name on a honor roll!

Work and person’s attitude towards his/her activity historically have been criteria of social respect. Adding someone’s name to the honor roll is an important form of a moral encouragement. It indicates appraisal of the best workers’ performance in project development and the organization in general.

Traditionally, the State Authority for Military Industry of the Republic of Belarus (SAMI) has been adding names of the best candidates to the honor roll. People whose working activity is bearing fruit are honored to have their names on the honor roll.

Among them is Deputy Station Manager – SCC Manager of “Belintersat-1” project Pavel Starovoitov.

– This is not my personal appraisal; this is the appraisal of all our colleagues! I would like to express my gratitude to all my colleagus for being highly commended and assure everyone that my colleagues and I will continue to work to expand the space interests of our country! – Pavel comments on this occasion.

According to the colleagues, he undoubtedly deserves to have his name on SAMI honor roll, because his attitude towards the work and organization is honest and respectful. On the other hand, Pavel remains a modest and reserved person. At the same time, he is a highly qualified and responsible professional.

Belintersat team congratulates Pavel on this important event and wishes him to stay enthusiastic in life. We hope this event becomes a starting point for the new successes and achievements!


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