The National Satellite Communications and Broadcasting System

The National Satellite Communications and Broadcasting System

The National Satellite Communications and Broadcasting System (Belintersat) is the largest project in the field of telecommunications implemented by the Republic of Belarus, which has a high innovative, economic, social and political significance to the Nation.

Over the course of the last 12 months, the company had been listed in the Belarus’ National Registry of TV and Radio Broadcasting Media Distributors and signed numerous international contracts on satellite and Teleport services – a fact that demonstrates the reliability of Belintersat as a partner and the quality of customer satisfaction.

By the end of October 2020, more than 250 TV and radio channels are being broadcasting via Belintersat-1 satellite, occupancy rate rose by more than 25%, which testifies to the well-established work of the project’s team. Belintersat’s portfolio of services is being constantly updated with new innovative and reliable communication solutions for foreign and government customers.

Important to mention that National Satellite Communications and Broadcasting System will celebrate its Fifth Anniversary in January of 2021.


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